Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission

Interstate Trip Taxicab Complaint

Interstate Trip Taxicab Complaint Form

Use this form to file a complaint about an interstate taxicab trip between points in the Metropolitan District. The Metropolitan District includes: Washington, D.C., Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties (MD), Fairfax and Arlington Counties (VA), the cities of Alexandria and Falls Church (VA), and Dulles International Airport. You may also file a complaint about an interstate taxi trip between the areas just mentioned and BWI airport, if the taxi was not licensed in Maryland.

If your trip does not fit this description, direct your complaint to the local jurisdiction’s taxicab licensing agency.

Complainant Information

Name (*)

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Daytime Telephone Number (*)

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Address (*)

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City (*)

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State (*)

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Zip (*)

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Country (if not U.S.)

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E-mail (*)

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Taxi Information Provide as much information about the taxicab and driver as you can. Missing information may prevent the Commision from idetifying the driver and resolving your complaint.

Taxi Company's Name

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Taxi Number

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Taxi License Plate

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Driver's Hack License Number

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Trip Information

Origin Address (*)

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City (*)

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State (*)

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Destination Address

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Were any stops made en route?

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En route stop address

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Trip Date (*)

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Time of Departure (*)
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Was the taxi hailed or dispatched

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Total number of passengers in vehicle (*)

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Number of child passengers. List their age(s)

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Was the taxicab a van?

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Driver time spent waiting for passengers (if applicable)

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Number of pieces of luggage (do not include briefcases, purses, grocery bags, or articles of similar size)

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Did the driver personally place luggage in the trunk?

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Fare paid to driver (Attach a copy of your receipt if one is provided) (*)

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Copy of receipt

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Additional Information, comments, concerns or complaints.

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Date (*)

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